Apr 20, 2023April Update and Professional ProcrastinationSo, perhaps the decision to learn miniature painting wasn’t the best choice for my writing productivity. On the other hand, look at this...
Feb 28, 2023End of February UpdateYou guys are seriously amazing! With the addition of War Horses Books 1 & 2 to the Kindle Library on February 15th, you all blew me away...
Feb 17, 2023February '23 UpdateWell damn! What a rush. War Horses Book 2: Ymir launched 2 days ago amidst a free Kindle promotion of War Horses Book 1: Chevalier that...
Jan 23, 2023Jan 2023 UpdateJust a quick update for this month to cover recent goings on. It's been a busy end of the year and start of the new year, and January...